Ah yes...that ‘serpent of old’ (Rev. 12:9)...who deceives the whole world and leads men further into darkness and captivity by ‘blinding their minds’ (with a veil of sorts) from seeing the ‘light of the gospel’ and being set free. (2 Cor. 4:3-4). This would be the same ‘serpent’ I mentioned at the close of yesterday’s post, the one who was cursed and relegated to ‘eating dust’ all the days of his life. (Gen. 3:14). I left off reminding you what our ‘flesh’ was made of too. And when I say ‘flesh’, you might read Gal. 5:19-21,24 & Rom. 8:13.

Oh, I forgot to mention that the quickest and most effective way for that ‘veil to be removed’ is to turn to Jesus with your whole heart. (2 Cor. 3:16). And make no mistake about it, - for all the bondages and chains that you might have at this moment, there is not a demon in hell (or demons- as in thousands) that can keep you from running to Jesus. (Mark 5:1-6). This ‘serpent’ has been around for quite a while and we need to study further just what his role is in this world ‘drama’ that the Bible spells out so clearly...to those who turn to Jesus with their whole heart. (John 5:39-40; 10:10)

I should also confess here that the Lord has cautioned me about ‘tap-dancing’ around this subject matter that I seem hesitant to wade in to. Time is short and I feel compelled to just speak more plainly and just trust the Holy Spirit to confirm to those who hunger for truth if what I am sharing here is truth or not. (Act 17: 11; 16:14)

For all the talk we hear about the rampage the ‘devil’ always seem to be on, working overtime in our world, our governments, and yes, even in our ‘churches’, we seem to forget the fact that God could, at any moment in time...remove this spiritual ‘enemy’ of ours. But He has not done so....yet. Do you know why? God uses the ‘serpent’ to carry out His wrath, His judgements, and yes...His ‘curses’. “Curses” I might remind you that are still on the earth today and in no short supply. Have you read through Deut. 28 lately? All those horrible things that God said would come upon those who rejected His law...have not disappeared from the earth. You’d have to be blind and ignorant to think so.

I know, this idea of a spiritual entity, the powers of darkness, coming in to steal, kill, and destroy, not to mention devour, seems so far-fetched to embrace. (John 10:10; 1 Pet. 5:8) But just because one does not believe such a thing exists does not mean it is not happening. The thought occurred to me recently that you cannot argue with a blind man who refuses to believe that rainbows exist. Until their eyes are opened and they see one for themselves, they will remain unconvinced. God has urged me, once again, to leave ‘opening the eyes of the blind’ up to Him. So grab your Bibles and a pen and paper and let’s wade further in.

Join me tomorrow, Lord willing?


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