You may remember that popular song that ‘Meatloaf’ made famous when he sang – “...two out of three ain’t bad...”. It made for a catchy tune but the math really does not add up well if you are wanting to pass an important exam or try to sit/stand on a 3-legged stool.

We are using 1 Thess. 5:23 as a springboard for this study. When God created us, we were made in ‘His image and likeness’ (Gen. 1:26-28). As some of you may have heard taught at some point in time, we...were made up of three parts: spirit, soul, and body. According to God’s design, we were created to be ‘spiritual’ beings, who possessed or had a ‘soul’ and would be housed in a physical body. Pretty amazing design if you ask me.

Since we were made in God’s image, and we know that God is Spirit and God is love, (John 4:24; 1 John4:8), it makes sense that our ‘spirit being’ would reflect or have the same attributes of God...given we were made in His image, yes?

Then God gave us a ‘soul’. The Greek word for soul [psyche] is where we get the word ‘psychology’ and ‘psychiatry’ from, so we tend to think of the soul being our ‘mind, intellect, and emotions.’ Many believe our individual ‘personality’ is seated within our souls.

And then God ‘housed us’ in a physical body. It’s safe to say that these bodies would have needs and appetites, given we were told we could ‘eat off the trees’ and that fruit was ‘good for food’. We also learn early on that both Adam and Eve were not clothed after God formed them, making them ‘man’ and ‘woman’...and we are told they were naked and not ashamed.(Gen. 2:25). So there you have it - God’s original design and blueprint for humanity, and then He then told them to ‘go forth and multiply’. (Gen. 1:28)

But let’s not forget the warning that came with the new creation. I’m sure you are familiar with this by now, God told them about that one tree in the garden they were not to eat of. For in the day that they did eat of it, they would ...’surely die’. (Gen. 2:17)

It’s hard to know if they had any concept of what it meant to ‘die’, since death was not a part of their life and existence. But nonetheless, the warning was issued and we know what happened. They were deceived by the serpent, lulled into believing ‘another gospel’, you might say, and they ate off that one tree. (Gen. 3:1-7). We also soon realize that neither Adam or Eve were vaporized on the spot and reduced to nothing but ash or dust.

We do learn however that there was a new awareness they experienced. For one, they sensed they were naked and tried to cover themselves up with fig leaves. Then, when they heard the sound of God walking in the garden...they tried to hide themselves from His presence. When God found them, they admitted to experiencing ‘fear’. (10). So, my question in closing today is this: It would appear they really did not ‘die’, as in cease to exist; or ...did they? They are still talking and walking and breathing and thinking, were they not? Hmmm...interesting. Why not go read Eph. 2:1 and join me back here tomorrow.


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