So what happens to so many of those who did ‘come to Jesus’...and were ‘made alive’ and ‘filled that empty, gnawing, vacant, void’ in their hearts that we talked about yesterday? Many would easily admit to you today that somewhere along the way...they ‘lost that loving feeling’ we used to sing about. How about we examine some possible reasons for that here today, beginning with the parable of the sower that we find in Matt. 13, Mark 4 and Luke 8.

For many, when they heard the word for the first time, their hearts were so hard that it never took root and the ‘birds of the air came and snatched the seed before it could produce any fruit. And we know who those ‘birds of the air’ represent, yes? (Luke 8:12)

Then there were those who received the word gladly and were all excited and on board with this new life in Jesus...but...the moment a little persecution arose because of the word, maybe a test or two came their quickly as they ‘sprang to life’, they ‘withered up and died’. It happens a lot. No lasting fruit ever materializes. Then came others who did seem to be on their way to being fruitful...but something got in the way. Jesus indicated it had to do with the ‘cares and desires of this life/world and want for ‘other things’. (Mark 4:19 Matt. 13:22). In the end, that growth was 'choked' and no lasting fruit was produced. That might be what Jesus was referring to in His rebuke to the church at Ephesus...they ‘lost their first love’. (Rev. 2:4). previously stated: It happens. And fruit really does matter.

No wonder Paul warned of a day, the ‘last days’ as he put it...where many would be reduced to having an empty ‘form of godliness’...bearing the wrong kind of fruit and denying the power of God to transform them. (2 Tim. 3:1-5) And how do we actually ‘deny’ Him and His power? By our actions- (Titus 1:16)

So can a person who has truly been ‘made alive’ (Eph. 2:1) actually ‘die’ again? I’m sure many would want to argue that point, but let me ask you this question: When did the ‘wages of sin’ cease to pay out? (Rom. 6:23). When did the decree issued by the prophets of old no longer ring true that ‘the soul that sin shall die’? (Ezek. 18:20). When did Paul’s warning that ‘those who continue to live for the flesh shall die’...get rescinded? (Rom. 8:13). And why do you suppose Jesus warned that man whom He healed and granted a new lease of life in John 5 to ‘go and sin no more or something worse will happen to you.” (14)

Oh...and all those folks who must have come to Jesus at some point and got busy with religious activity...why were they turned away in the end? They continued to ...sin. (Matt. 7:21-23)

The wages of sin is still death. Always has been and always will be. Why do you think Jesus came to lead us in to truth? So we could be ‘free indeed’ and actually go and sin no more. (John 8:32-36). And yet, the majority of sincere believers today don’t even believe that is possible. To which God might respond...’Who told you that?” (Gen. 3:11). Welcome to the great ‘falling away’ and the great deception that will continue to be the cause of many who will perish. (2 Thess. 2:1-12)


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