If you are not still ruminating on that last paragraph from yesterday’s post, then you probably need to scroll down and go read it again.

We were discussing what the power of God’s gospel actually has the miraculous power to do: as in supernaturally change us to become ‘like Christ’. Religion and man-made doctrines might be good at ‘cleaning folks up’, outwardly, in varying degrees...like make them a nicer person or a better citizen...help them control their passions and flaws so they don’t succumb to them as often or as bad as they once did. But those ‘other gospels’ fall short in doing what the ‘gospel of the kingdom’ is designed by God to do, and that is to save us from God’s judgements and wrath by making us a new creation. (Rom. 1:16-18; 5:9; 1 Tim. 6:3; John 3:3; 2 Cor. 5:17)

Can we talk about this ‘wrath’ thing for a moment? I know it makes many of us uncomfortable, and we humans can be wired in such a way that we will go out of our way to avoid topics that make us uncomfortable, but that helps nobody. When was the last time you heard an in-depth message preached at your church that fully explains just what the ‘wrath of God’ actually is?

Let me give you a hint- this subject of ‘wrath’ is the ‘bad news’...that makes the ‘news of the gospel...’good’ news. But it involves a tad bit more than just repeating a prayer where you give lip service by verbalizing some ‘profession of faith’ and how you now ‘believe in Jesus’. Have you ever noticed where churches like to announce how many ‘decisions’ were made at a particular service? Have you ever asked: “decisions to do what”? Let me ask you this: Suppose a close neighbor or coworker whom you have known for some time sits down to ask you about a scripture they came across. This person would readily admit they have no religious beliefs or align themselves with any particular church or faith. But for some reason, they came across John 3:36 that says anyone who does not “believe in/on the Son (Jesus)...shall not only not see life...but the ‘wrath of God abides/remains on him.”

Now from everything you can size up, they are a decent human being. They pay their taxes, mow their lawns, donate money to charities, raise their kids in a respectable manner... have a good marriage. They are healthy and prosperous, and most anyone would point to them as being ‘model' citizens. And yet...according to John 3:36, the scripture clearly states that God’s ‘wrath’ abides on them (because they don’t believe in/on the Son). They want to know what that means. How would you respond to that question?

If the best you can muster up is telling them that when they die they are ‘going to hell unless they accept Christ’, then may I humbly inform you that you don’t clearly understand what God’s ‘wrath’ actually is, nor do you fully understand what the gospel is, or what the ‘power of the gospel’ can do...for those who truly ‘believe’. We will continue on with this tomorrow, Lord willing, of course. 


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