Do you know why false gospels are so appealing to our flesh? Along with providing a false sense of security that ‘all is well with our soul’ because we got our ‘ticket to heaven punched’, they take the ‘responsibility’ off of us from having to truly follow Jesus; as in ‘obey’ and ‘do what He asks’ of us. (Heb. 5:9; Luke 6:46). I mean seriously...let’s not get so ‘legalistic’ and start teaching we are ‘saved by works’ now, or so our flesh will tell us. By the way, when did 'obedience to Jesus' become 'legalism'?

And yet...for all those who profess to be believers and plan on arriving in heaven someday after they die, tell me again how we are to ‘arrive there’ if we are not ‘following’ the One who is the ‘way’ to the Father? (John 14:6)

At the close of yesterday’s message, we were looking back at how God sent an ‘Angel’ to “keep them in the way’ and to lead His people into the promised land where He wanted to establish them and bless them and their future generations. (Ex. 23:20-33). And he made it clear to them that they would need to “beware of Him AND obey His voice”. (21)

I pointed out that to ‘beware’ is to ‘be aware of’ Him and then obey Him. That in a nutshell, is what ‘abiding in Jesus is all about. That was His plan back then when He led His people; and God has never changed. He doesn’t need to; we do! We need to change. It’s not enough to simply ‘come to Jesus’...if we have no plans to follow through and actually ‘follow’ Him. Why call Him ‘Lord, Lord’ if we are not going to do the things He tells us? (Luke 6:46)

And friends...not only did God tell them back then to ‘be aware of Him and obey His voice’, He tells us the same thing today- ‘hear His voice and follow’. (John 10:27; 2:5). This may come as a newsflash to some...but God still ‘speaks’ to His people as He is not mute.

The real issue at hand here we want to hear from Him? And it does not take long at all for our hearts to be exposed to find an answer to that question. Remember- Jesus called out those who had settled in to following their own traditions (false gospels) and disregarding the commandments of God’. (Matt. 15:6). He then quoted Isaiah who prophesied correctly how this people worshipped Him in vain...’drawing near to Him with their mouth and honoring Him with their lips but their heart was far from Him’. (7-9)

After God had given the commandments to Moses which he in turn relayed to the people there at Mt. Sinai, we are told the “all the people answered with one voice and said, ‘all the words which the Lord has said we will do.” (Ex. 24:3). Then, further down we read where after Moses read the book with the terms of the covenant with them, they again said: “All that the Lord has said we will do, and be obedient.” (7)

I think we all know how that played out: a two-week journey stretched in to 40 years because they did not do...what He said. (Heb. 3; 1 Cor. 10:1-11). And we are reminded multiple times in the NT...”Don’t be like those people!”

I think we can all relate to this tendency to say...we want to follow Jesus and ‘do all that He tells us to do’, just like those Israelites did in the wilderness. And when we first came to Jesus and were truly sincere about our asking Him in to our lives to be Lord...we probably had good intentions. God took us at our word and we probably can remember that peace and joy that filled our hearts, and others could even see that ‘glow’ that enveloped us.

Were we ‘perfected’ in that moment? Of course not...the work was just about to ‘begin’. God just welcomed us in to His family (like the father did in the story of the prodigal son- Luke 15) and we were humbled and overcome with gratitude and love that He would accept a wretched sinner like we all were at one time.

Do you realize what actually happened early on in that moment? God set his ‘hedge’ around us as we humbled ourself in His presence. He does that, you know...when we draw near to Him...He draws near to us and lifts us up. (James 4:8-10). In His presence there is fullness of joy. (Ps. 16:11). Perfect peace overcame us as our minds were set on Him. (Isa. 26:3) It was all we could think about and want to talk about when we came to the ‘veil was taken away’ that had blinded us. (2 Cor. 3:16; 4:3-4)

Can you remember what it was like...for you...early on after you came to Jesus?

So what happened? Have you ever found yourself, by chance... praying since then...maybe singing that song of prayer that the psalmist did in Ps. 51...’restore unto me the joy of thy salvation ...and renew a right spirit within me’. (10-12).

Somewhere along the ‘lost your peace and joy’. And I have a pretty good hunch as to why that happened. We really were not taught what it means to follow Jesus with all our obedience. His peace...was meant to be our guide. (Luke 1:79; Col. 3:15). That is how we know we are abiding in Him. And early on, He has this way of letting us know real quick...when we take a misstep and disobey. It’s called ‘chastisement’. (Heb. 12:5-12). Given how important it is for us to learn His voice...and even more importantly to ‘follow’...He teaches us (chastens) by ‘lifting that hedge’ when we sin or disobey. We lose our peace.

I don’t know who needs to hear this, but it is impossible to continue walking in His peace and sinning at the same time. If you think you are able to do that, you have been deceived and are walking in a false peace...that is not of God. (Deut. 29:18-20; Jer. 23:16-17). False gospels will tell you differently:  “God will always be a sinner but take comfort that God loves you unconditionally...etc”. Friends...we are not calling in to question God’s love for us; but make no mistake about it...God disciplines those whom He loves! And in those early days...’losing that peace’ is a quick way to learn, and less painful...truth be told. Trust me on that one.

I’ve shared my own story here in the after I first came to Jesus...there were several notable experiences I encountered to learn real quick how to discern God’s voice from those ‘other voices. The first lesson had to do with my then frequent habit of partaking of ‘getting high off weed’. I did not have to learn that lesson twice. But once I followed and obeyed...more peace and joy filled my heart. That is...until I found myself participating in ‘immoral activity’ with my then girlfriend. I lost that peace and joy again...and get this: I was clueless as to why! I had no idea that ‘fornication’ was a sin. I figured we were ‘in the clear’ with the ‘adultery thing’ since we were not married to anyone. But this I remember...that ‘hedge came down’ and I knew something was not right. Guess how God revealed it to me? His word. I kept coming across that word, ‘fornication’. (Eph. 5:3-6; 1 Cor. 6:9). I didn’t even know what the word meant. But when it came to light...Oh my...I had a choice to make.

And this choice was not as easy as giving up smoking pot. Yet...I was serious about wanting to follow Him...and after going through a short spell of being miserable again...I repented and told my girlfriend that we could not do that anymore because it was a sin and God was not pleased with me. You can only imagine how that went over. I figured that relationship was about to go down in flames. But God......He has this way of turning things around for us IF...we will just cooperate with Him and do what He says! Imagine that! And God showed out in a big way...which I am reminded of every January 3 when I celebrate my anniversary with that old ‘girlfriend’ of mine who thought I had lost my mind back then. We are currently working on 44 years together. ;-)

Chances are that many of you were told in those early just start ‘reading our bible and showing up to church’; maybe get involved with a small group or Sunday School. And then came the push to ‘get involved’ and next thing you know you are working VBS and serving in the nursery or using your musical abilities to ‘glorify the Father’, etc. Staying busy and getting involved with church keeps you coming back regularly. You have a ‘destiny in God to fulfil’, right? do we bring glory to the Father, according to Jesus? When we bear ‘much fruit’. (John 15:8). And that only comes if we are ‘abiding in Him’. (John 15:4-5). And the only way fruit can be produced is if something dies first. (John 12:24). So guess what will be first on the Holy Spirit’s agenda when we first come to Jesus? guess it. He leads us to put to death a number of things. (Rom. 8:13). Sort of like what He first began to do back in the wilderness with those Israelites that we were talking about in Exodus 23. Care to turn back there again with me?

Look at vs 23...where God tells them His Angel will go before then and bring them in to begin dealing with some hostile, wicked nations. What did He say is going to happen there? He will ‘cut them off’? Sounds like ‘pruning’ to me. (John 15:1-2). When God leads us to put something to death, it means it will no longer be evident in our lives...because it was ‘put to death’. You might call  this ‘basic training’ if you like...but before God can empower us to go out and do ‘great things in His name’ (Matt. 7:22) we have to have our hearts tested ...just like Jesus did. (Luke 4:13-14). What a novel concept!

When God begins to deal with sin in our lives, He is serious about us repenting, or turning from it once and for all. (Luke 13:3,5) If we don’t, things can go awry. (John 5:14). But IF...we respond accordingly...look at what He promised those folks back then: “ done with them and I will take away sickness from the midst of you. No one shall suffer miscarriage or be barren...and I will fulfill the number of your days.” (Ex. 23:24-25)

Friends...when did God change? And if that promise was part of the ‘old covenant’, what do you think that might suggest for us who are under a ‘new covenant with better promises’? (Heb. 8:6). And why ...are God’s people ‘destroyed’? (Hosea 4:6). There really is something about doing things God’s ‘way’ that offers so much hope and blessings. But let’s not forget Jesus did tell us His way was a bit more ‘narrow’ than the path most would want to follow. (Matt. 7:13-14). Flesh really doen’t like His way. Which is why it has to be put to death.

Join me tomorrow for more? :- )


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