Follow Me. Two words, clear and easy to understand and about as simple as it can get: “Follow Me” Have you ever been lost, needing directions to a specific place, be it on foot (in a large office building or hospital, or maybe a store) or in your car and you just can’t seem to figure out the directions you had, so you stop and ask someone? Maybe you were the one who was asked by a stranger and you had the time and knew it would be easier to just show or lead them than it would be to try and explain it, so you just waved them on and said those two words: “Follow me”. When I’m in a hurry, I always so appreciate when I go into a store looking for one particular item and I ask an attendant to point me in the direction I need to go, thinking I can figure it out if I get close, but they will often smile and turn and tell me those two words: “follow me.” They usually lead me to the exact spot where the the item I was needing to get is located. Jesus understood this as well, how sometim...