I don’t want to offend anyone this morning, especially those who profess to be ‘believers’ and are joyfully celebrating the risen Savior today; but is it possible that just maybe many have missed the main point or purpose of what God did on that third morning when He raised His only begotten Son from the dead? I think we certainly got the memo on what transpired over 2000 years ago on that early morning when the stone was rolled away. We’ve all heard countless messages on how Mary thought she was talking to a gardener when it was Jesus Himself. We know about ‘doubting Thomas’ wanting to see the holes in Jesus’s body. Why you might have even heard about the seeds of a conspiracy theory that was sown... even back then. (Matt. 28:12-15) And no doubt, church sanctuaries around the world will host larger than normal crowds today because, that is what we do, after all...we rally the troops on this Easter Sunday morning as we sing and celebrate (and eat a lot) over the fact that...