In that story of the prodigal son that we’ve been looking at, I forgot to point out one of the saddest details found towards the end of this ‘mini-drama’. The older brother, who also received his inheritance, and did not run off and leave the home and squander it all...he had even a bigger problem. In his eyes, he was pretty righteous...compared to junior. He ‘did all the stuff’ he was supposed to do. (Luke 15:29). Yet, when the door to the house was opened and the celebrating had begun...he didn’t...go in. His anger kept him out. The one who thought he deserved to be in the house as a ‘saved son’...was left on the outside looking in. Sounds like he was blinded by his own, defiled heart. (Matt. 7:23; 25:10-12) Don't be like him. “You can take this to the bank!” That is a popular slang term or idiom we use often when we want to assure someone that what we have just told them can be counted as reliable and certain. You can ‘bank on it’, as you are informally ‘guaranteeing’ tha...