I want to begin here today with a passage found in Acts 16 that can be problematic in some ways for many who might come across it and for good reason. Paul had made his way to Philippi on one of his mission journeys and on this particular morning, he went out of the city to the riverside where people would gather to pray. There he found some women gathered who met there regularly, and he began to speak to them. One particular woman is singled out- her name was Lydia. Now here is the verse you should make note of: “The Lord opened her heart to heed the things spoken by Paul.” (14). We are also told in the same verse that she ‘worshipped God’, but it is unclear as to what that entailed or looked like. But the fact remains, God had to ‘open her heart’ to hear the message Paul was delivering. Which is why this can be challenging at best to come to terms with the fact that God’s truths are not ‘figured out’ by reasoning and intellect. God’s truths are revealed by His Spirit and ...