Just because a person does not believe in the law of gravity or that it might apply to them, does it negate or nullify its existence and effects. Some folks just have to learn things the hard way. 

 The same could be said about God’s law. By the way, that would be the same God who invented the ‘law of gravity’ in case anyone was wondering. ;-) 

 When I had my personal ‘spiritual awakening’ a little over three years ago that has forever changed my life...I was driven back into God’s word with an eager hunger unlike anything I have ever known. And all that I have discovered has made an impact on me much in the same way it did on King Josiah which I wrote about yesterday in my post. For a lack of a better word picture, so many ‘missing pieces have come together, connected more dots, and made more clear a picture that I think has been lost on so many of us who have sat and attended churches for years. 

 Yes...I am fully aware of how pompous and arrogant and even ‘self-righteous’ that may sound to some who read or hear that. But I cannot, nor will I remain silent and keep this to myself. It truly is like what Jeremiah described: – “But His word was in my heart like a burning fire shut up in my bones; I was weary of holding it back, and I could not.” (Jer. 20:9) 

 One area in which I have come to find total peace and acceptance with is while realizing I have nothing to prove, I cannot make anyone ‘see’ anything that I have learned. I am simply compelled to share what is written plainly there in all of our beloved bibles for us to see. Those who have ‘ears to hear’ and hunger for truth...it will have to be a ‘God-thing’ that compels them to ‘search the scriptures themselves with all readiness to find out whether these things are so.’ (Acts 17:11). But it would be my prayer that you experience something similar to what I have where Jesus promised that we shall know the truth and the truth shall make us free...and be free indeed’. (John 8:32-36) 

 This we can be sure of: Jesus promised that He would send the ‘Helper’, the ‘Comforter’, the Spirit of truth that would guide us in to all truth. (John 16:13). 

 I would submit to you here today, as I have done so in the past, that we might want to re-examine just how relevant the ‘law’ is today for NT believers and for that matter, non-believers as well. And when I speak about the law, we are not talking about the numerous rituals, animal blood sacrifices and dietary restrictions spelled out in the OT, as all those were done away with. But the law itself, even Jesus affirmed that He was not here to abolish it, rather to fulfill it. (Matt. 5:17) 

 Let’s begin with looking at laws that most everyone living in a civilized society can identify with today. Whether we are talking about traffic laws, civil laws, or criminal laws, I think most realize the purpose of having laws is to keep some semblance of order within the society or community as a means of protection for those people who live in that community. The idea here is that if people adhere and obey the laws, things will run smoothly and less harm will befall those living within that society. Yet, we know that many are prone to not...obeying laws for a host of reasons, choosing to do what they feel like doing or perhaps doing what they think is right in their own eyes, regardless of whether others agree with them or not. 

 We should also understand that laws need to be enforced. And what does that mean? It mean that there is a system set in place that punishes those who do not adhere to those laws that were enacted for the benefit of the community at large. That is why we have a legal system to administer and deal with all the ‘legal’ issues that arise. Yes, most of us are aware that those systems can become corrupt and unjust, but they still serve an important role. Would you like to imagine as to what would happen in our country today if the legal system and all the laws associated with it were deemed null and void for 72 hours? It is frightening to think that over the course of those three days, that if there were ‘no laws’ and ‘anything goes’ without repercussions or consequences, what would ensue. The word ‘anarchy’ comes to mind. 

 In Paul’s letter to the Romans, he actually touches on the need and use of rules and rulers and the enforcement of such laws in society. He evens talks of those who ‘bear the sword’ and they should be feared for they are set in place to ‘execute wrath on him who practices evil. You might read vs. 13:1-7 in a modern version of the bible as you will find it enlightening. Paul is merely using this commonly known civil system of law and order to illustrate an even more important ‘legal system’, which is God’s law. 

 Again, speaking to civil or criminal and even traffic laws, we are taught that when those laws are violated and broken, there will be and should be, consequences. They can range from small traffic fines, loss of various privileges, short to lengthy or extended prison/jail terms, and in some cases, a loss of life that we know as the death penalty. And boy...do we ever get mad when we see people violate various laws and ‘get away with murder’, as we like to say; do we not? Everyone with me here? 

 Well guess what God set in place many centuries ago? He gave Moses a ‘Law’ that we know as the Ten Commandments. If you need a refresher, you can examine them in Exodus 20 and Deuteronomy 5. We are told He ‘added the law because of sin’. (Gal. 3:19) They were not referred to as the ‘Ten Suggestions’, but the ‘Ten Commandments’. God was fully aware that left to ourselves with our sinful natures, that we’d destroy ourselves. So He set some laws down that He expected to be followed and obeyed. He also made it known that these laws would be enforced and that if we wanted things to ‘go well for us’, we’d do good to obey them. If we disregarded them, for whatever reasons, there would be consequences and a price to pay for sure. God always means what He says. 

 The reason I am wanting to take my time with this is because I fear that there has been a gross negligence of teaching the law, the purpose of the law, and the sobering consequences as to what will befall those who disobey the law. For some reason, so many man-made doctrines have arisen over the centuries and all this talk of faith and grace and mercy has in some twisted way...dismissed or relegated ‘the law’ as some useless document from OT history that really has no application or bearing on us today. I mean, we would readily agree that the ten commandments are good...and that we should do our best to honor and keep them; many advocating that this world would be better off if we taught them in our public schools. But the church might need a refresher course on the role of the law today before we start trying to teach it in our public schools. 

 I would also submit to you that just like the law of gravity, whether you chose to ‘believe in it or not, does not render the law null and void. Just try walking off a roof and see what happens. And guess what? Same thing goes for God’s law as well. And are you ready for this? Do you know what a biblical definition of ‘sin’ is? 1 John 3:4 tells us plainly...sin is lawlessness, or...breaking the commandments of God. And do you know what happens when we break God’s laws? It brings the wrath of God upon us. Despite those in the natural world who think they may get around and beat civil or traffic laws today in an imperfect system run by man, this you can be sure of: You cannot escape the wrath of God when you sin. 

 In fact, you might go read John 3:36 right now. But before you do, we should already be familiar with Romans 3:23 that declares that we have ‘all sinned’ (broke God’s laws) and fallen far short of His glory and design and intent that He had for us. That explains our ‘condition’ prior to coming to Jesus. Now look at John 3:36. What remains or abides on any and all who have not turned to Jesus? God’s wrath abides on them. Eph. 2:1-3 lets us know that we were ‘dead’ in our sins...as in we had no life abiding in us. That is what sin does. (Rom. 6:23). Sin brings forth death. Always has...always will. The soul that sins shall die. (Ezek. 18:20). Do you remember the very first command God ever gave? It had to do with eating off one particular tree in the garden. Adam was told that if he did eat off it, he would ‘surely die’. (Gen. 2:17). God really does mean what He says. 

 Do you know what else we are taught in scripture? That whoever continues to live according to the sinful flesh nature, they...will...die. (Rom. 8:13). It doesn’t matter if they have been a church deacon, Sunday school teacher, or dynamic preacher who has impressed the multitudes with his ability to preach and perform signs and wonders. Jesus made it clear in Matt. 7:21-23 that “not everyone who says ‘Lord, Lord’, will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only those who do the will of His Father in heaven.” He goes on to say that ‘in that day, many will come’...boasting of all the great things they did for God. And you should know by now what He, Jesus, will tell them in response: “Depart from Me...I never knew you....you ...who continue to practice lawlessness (sin). Now go underline 1 John 2:3-4 in your bible. 

 If there is any confusion on this one point, let me clear that up now...any act of the flesh nature is sin. That whole list of them that Paul rattles off in Gal. 5:19-21...those break God’s laws. I mean, the very essence of God’s law is summed up in two commandments...Love God with all your heart and love others as Christ loved us. This would be impossible to do if your old sinful nature continues to live and act out. Paul even makes it a point to remind us again, that those who continue to live this way...will not inherit the kingdom of heaven. (Gal. 5:19). It doesn’t matter how many bible verses you have memorized. I’m just telling you what your bible says. 

 Now here comes the serious part and I hate to end on this note, but promise to pick up here tomorrow with it. God enforces His laws. And He punishes those who sin. Let no one deceive you with ‘empty words’ for because of such things...the wrath of God comes. (Eph. 5:6; Col. 3:6) And God ‘uses’ the enemy to carry out the wrath and the curse and judgment that comes with breaking His laws. God has never changed. And herein lies why so many professing believers have been taken captive and are suffering. They have given place to the devil by sinning. (Eph. 4:27). Which makes it all the more tragic that God’s people are taught they will never be set totally free from sin. There was a reason Jesus told that man in John 5:14 to ‘go and sin no more or else...(what?)


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