I’m not sure how many I lost with yesterday’s post, but if you are back with me again today-welcome. :- ) Without wading in to the controversial debate over all the changes in weather and the potentially devastating consequences that scientist continue to sound the warning drums over, I can personally identify with that sense of helplessness they must have as they truly believe what they are ‘preaching’, yet unsure how to get through to all the skeptics who roll their eyes as their claims fall on mostly deaf ears. I mean let’s be honest...Noah was warning of a coming change in ‘climate’ that would affect the world and not many listened to him either. Seems that Jesus said history would once again repeat itself likening these days to Noah’s time. (Matt. 24:37-39) Peter points out as well how the ‘scoffers would come’ and make their opinions known. (2 Pet. 3:1-7) Paul also mentions the attitude of folks in these days and how everyone will seem to be ...