
Showing posts from April, 2023
  The apostle Paul spent some time in Athens sharing the gospel with crowds of people who were no stranger to a wide variety of religious and philosophical thought. After hearing Paul’s message, (Acts 17:22-34) we read where the responses to his words varied. Some mocked or scoffed. You can see the eye rolling and hear the chuckling as they walked away, most likely assuring themselves that this ‘Paul guy had to be delusional’. They made their decision. They wanted nothing to do with that ‘light’.   There was another group we are told that seemed...interested maybe? Indifferent, perhaps? Who knows? All we read there is a willingness on their part to ‘hear him again on the matter’ regarding the things he had just shared with them. (32). I think many of us can fall into this category. We want to be ‘open’ and are willing to ‘chew on some things’ when we hear a good word. But lukewarmness can be the silent killer. That spirit of indifference is one we are well acquainted with. We
  Previously, prior to his encounter with Jesus...he was not in his ‘right mind’. And everyone in the region knew who he was or had heard about him.   He was a ‘streaker’ long before ‘streaking was a thing’. He was also a ‘cutter’. For those who don’t know, he, like many people today, used some sharp device to inflict painful wounds upon himself ...using stones to cut his flesh. That really is a ‘thing’ among many people today. I’m not sure why it is; but I know the source behind it.   He also seemed to possess great strength because there had been attempts to bind him with shackles or chains; and he always seemed to break free of them. Oh, and if all this has you wondering what in the world was wrong with this person, I should tell you that he also hung out in cemeteries. Not being in one’s right mind will do that to you...keep you around places where there is no life. You can read about this tormented character in Mark 5:1-5.   But all that changed for day...after he
  Any gardeners out there waving a white flag of surrender yet with all this rain we've had? Sure makes it hard to break up that fallow ground and get new seed into it so you can have an abundant harvest later on this summer. I used to have a nice garden plot years ago and really enjoyed getting out and working it.   I found it to be therapeutic like many of you may do as well. And while I don’t mind hoeing out weeds occasionally, I soon discovered that to neglect the task had negative consequences on my 'fruit-producing' efforts. You simply cannot let weeds overtake a garden bed. You also will discover over time that it helps to keep adjoining grass and fields next to your garden mowed down short. Allowing those weeds to ‘go to seed’ create more work and frustration for you for obvious reasons. IYKYK.   I bet you can see a spiritual lesson coming from that word picture. ;- )   The parable of the Sower that Jesus taught is a familiar one that has so much valuable trut
  “It’s the little foxes that spoil the vine”. (Song of Solomon 2:15)   You know, those little ‘pesky, troublesome sins....that we all struggle with’?   Have you ever stopped to ask why we expect those really ‘bad sinners’ to quite murdering and raping and stealing’ as if those are easier to overcome than those pesky little ones we stay ensnared by...but for some reason believe God is ok with ‘those sins’. I mean...really... if a member in your church choir just ‘snapped’ and got mad at you, came and set fire to your home one night and you lost everything including, God forbid, your own children, are you gonna be fine with his apology as he reminds you that ‘Christians are not perfect, just forgiven’? absurd and extreme example but it still serves the point: God tolerates NO sin. And it’s not because He is uptight and ‘has issues’. Sin is what destroys us...ALL sin, including those pesky little ones that we allow to linger and make excuses for. I mean...when the blood o
  I heard an older gentleman say one time that modern day Christians think ‘spiritual warfare’ is going to church in the rain. That always makes me laugh aloud when I think about it. :- ) While there is much I could unpack in that statement, allow me to just say that for any believer to ignore the fact we really are in a ‘war’ would be to their own peril.   And for many who do acknowledge there is a ‘war’ taking place ‘out there’, they seem to direct their efforts in every direction but...that of the true enemy. Paul makes is rather clear to us that our conflict, our war, our NOT...with ‘flesh and blood’. Your enemy is not some left leaning political party or ‘mainstream media’ outlets. It is not the Chinese or the Russians or ISIS or the Taliban. I can assure you that God is not pacing the corridors of heaven wringing His hands wondering how we ever let the LGBQT crowd make the inroads they have made in our culture.   Paul explains in fact, that o
  Anyone here ever guilty of grumbling or complaining? .... Nobody? Hmmm....let me scroll back and read through some recent Facebook posts. ;-)   The tendency to complain is in our DNA’; or should I say our ‘old man’ or ‘sinful nature’. That may be why God’s word tells us to ‘put to death’ that old man, which is what the Spirit is doing in those who actually believe in and follow Him. (Col.3:5; Rom. 8:13; Gal. 5:24; John 10:27)   But we are told right there in Phil. 2:14 – “Do all things without complaining and grumbling; that you may become blameless and harmless, children of God without fault in the midst of a crooked and perverse generation.”  And do you remember a previous generation that God was 'not pleased with' that Paul cited as an example for us to take heed to?  You might look real quick at 1 Cor. 10:6-10 to see how serious God was about complaining, noting vs. 10 there.  How does he describe there (Phil.2) what ‘children of God’ look like? - “without fault”
  I am not afraid of God.  But I do fear Him. And the difference between the two is significant.   Allow me to present a condensed version as to what it means when I say I ‘fear God’: I believe He means what He says; All of it.   And there are many things He has declared in His word that many professing believers seem to dismiss, ignore or be ignorant of these days...and it shows.  I  know people are quick to replace that word ‘fear’ and prefer to use the phrase “reverential awe” instead, which seems to ‘take the edge off’ in their sincere but misguided thinking. When you look up that word in its Greek and Hebrew origin, there are multiple uses offered up like ‘terror, alarm, dread, and fright...along with...awe and respect’. Here is a way I like to sort through that: As one who likes to get out and photograph storms, I will admit I have yet to see in person an actual funnel cloud on the ground weaving its path of destruction. I have no doubt that if I did see one from a distance
  Do you know what we ‘believers’ tend to lose sight of oftentimes? It is this:   While God’s love for us and the world (all of humanity) is Unconditional... His promises are not.   Could you pause and consider that for a moment?   Just because God loves us, does not ensure all these good and wonderful things await us. And that really should come as no surprise to anyone, especially anyone who has been a parent and/or raised a child as one of their own. We can love that child with an unconditional love that defies understanding, can we not? But that does not mean they will be recipients of our love and make wise choices and walk in a manner that ensures we maintain a good and vibrant relationship.   I could raise a son, do all I know to do for them, and want nothing but the best for him; but that does not guarantee he will live a long, blessed, and fulfilling life. He could actually rebel at a young age, chart out his own path...get in with the wrong crowd, make some very unwise c