
Showing posts from September, 2022
  “You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain, for the Lord will not hold him guiltless who takes His name in vain.”   It’s the third one down on that first stone tablet of the two that Moses came down the mountain with. As in, the third of ten commandments God gave His people. You’ll find those in in several places. (Deut. 5:11)   We believers have a mixed, if not confusing relationship with those beloved commandments. Many think they should be taught in schools. Others like the idea of them being on display in public places while some use them as sort of an ‘eye-ball’ gauge on ‘how they are living’. But for the most part, they seem to have taken on more of a symbolic, secondary role in our faith given we no longer live under the law, but under grace, right? (Rom. 6:14)   The question I seem to revisit frequently is if God really was trying to move away from His law, as if it was a limited or bad idea to begin with, then why did He make such a point back in the OT to
  Earlier this week, while writing and then reading over some of these postings of mine, the thought occurred to me that some might come across these and think they sound overly serious, if not a bit dramatic in tone, at times. The question might arise as to who they are actually directed to, telling themselves...”But I’m a good person and I’m a Christian, attend church regularly and pay tithes and am good to people.” Then I wondered how it would look if that same person passed by a hospital and stood out front yelling: “Why are you here? I’m perfectly well? Why are all these ambulance bringing people here and running around with gurneys...can’t you see nothing is wrong with me?”   Jesus said: “Those who are well, have no need of a physician, but those who are sick. I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners, to repentance.” (Luke 5:31)   In Peter’s first letter to us, he wrote: “Beloved, I beg you as foreigners and exiles, abstain from fleshly lusts which war against the so
  There seems to be more than a few profound questions asked in the bible. Have you ever noticed that?   Yesterday we talked about the one the serpent addressed Eve with there in Genesis 3. His question was in regard to God’s word or command. “Has God said...?”, the serpent asked her, as if sowing a seed of doubt on what God declared. So profound and yet, so effective it would turn out to be.   There’s another profound question we see in the NT and it was asked by Jesus. He had come across a man who had been lame for 38 years. The scripture uses words like he was ‘infirm’ and had a ‘sickness’, but it is quite clear that he was unable to walk. Walk, I might add, in the manner in which he was created or designed to walk. (1 John 2:6 tells us how WE are supposed to walk IF we are abiding in Jesus) He was lame an unable to do so...due to some form of illness. We have no idea why or how he ended up in this condition.   And Jesus saw him lying there...knowing he had been
  It was about as clear as anyone could state it. There seemed to be little wiggle room or loopholes to deviate from the command. God plainly told Adam: “Don’t eat off this one tree. If you do, you will surely die.” Period. (Gen. 2:16)   It’s such an interesting conversation to be privy to listen in on....some of the very first words God, the Creator of the heavens and the earth...and man, shared with His creation.   God had made man in His image and likeness...blessed them, and then told them to go forth and multiply (Gen. 1:27-28)   What is noteworthy here is while having this whole world before them, God chose to ‘plant a garden there in Eden’. And that is where He put man. (Gen. 2:8)   We can learn a lot about God and His ways in the opening chapters of Genesis. It is a book of beginnings and foundational truths for sure. And who knew...that God was in to ‘gardening’? We certainly see this theme woven through the scriptures from Genesis to Revelation.   When God put man in the
  Shhh...we’re gonna talk about ‘them’, again. Actually, what I want to do is simply point out once more from scripture, how often this topic is addressed in our bibles. Now, I’ve been around long enough and have seen and experienced enough to speak to certain things regarding the ‘ups and downs’ of what many experience in their Christian walks of faith. Especially when it comes to our time spent reading and/or studying the bible.   How many of us have had regular times of reading those morning chapters to ‘feed our souls’, but while ‘reading’ (your eyes going over the words) your mind is flooded with other thoughts, most likely having to do with all you need to get done that day?   Here’s another example. You might be reading and actually getting some ‘good stuff’ out of what you are taking in. Then, when you get finished, ‘life happens’ and the next thing you know your focus has been redirected and those good intentions to ‘apply’ what you gleaned that morning fade away. But at
  Matthew records an interesting conversation between Jesus and some religious leaders who came to ‘test’ Him. I say ‘interesting’ because Jesus began talking about the weather, of all things. We are certainly fascinated by the weather and it is always an easy ‘go to’ topic in conversation when we can’t think of anything else to discuss. Which is what Jesus did in this passage. (Matt. 16:1-4).   He didn’t wade too deeply in to meteorological theory but did point out how we easily can discern weather patterns and recognize when a change is coming. He emphasized their ability to do this right after calling them ‘Hypocrites!” (3). That’s when He rebuked them for their apparent inability to ‘discern the signs of the times’.   The ‘signs of the times’. Who has never heard that expression before? ‘Signs of the times’ is staple jargon in most ‘bible-believing-churches’. It usually has to do with our almost obsessive interest in the ‘end times’ and trying to figure out when the return o
  For the sake of this posting today, let’s just assume that all these passages that God gave us in His word are in, He really meant everything He said in this beloved book we call the Holy Bible.   While many church members today are looking at multiple ‘natural signs’ that seem to unfold before us, there is a spiritual storyline that is unfolding as well which we would do well to ask God for a more clear understanding. When Jesus foretold that the days prior to His return would be akin to the days of Noah and that a ‘flood’ would come over the land, He was not talking about a natural flood. I know all the news footage pertaining to ‘climate-change-induced natural disasters’ can get people’s attention. But the flood being unleashed today is a flood of spiritual darkness. And it will test men’s foundations. (Matt. 7:24-27) This ‘flood’ is indeed embodied in a spiritual evil of demonic forces. (Isa. 59:19; Rev. 12:9). But a sleeping church is oblivious to it. (Dan. 12; Mat
  Yesterday’s post was a plate full, I’m sure. I hope you spent some time with it (or will) as it addresses a few fundamental foundational truths that I’m concerned been overlooked, neglected, or mistaught in a lot of churches. And I fear the lack of understanding in much of what I shared yesterday is the reason so many continue to struggle in their faith walk, living so far beneath what God intended or designed. But even more importantly, the lack of understanding in much of what I shared is why there is ‘no fear of God’ prevalent today in our churches. (Rom. 3:17-18) And that was pretty much a given in the early church for sure...the ‘fear of the Lord.. (Acts 2:43, 5:5,11)   If God was to open all of our eyes (spiritual) and we saw what was the reality of our existence and condition, it would no doubt alter the way we think, act, and live. I can’t explain all why God has it laid out like this....all I know is I can trust Him, be confident of His love for me, and the whole world,
  When I first started posting a little over a year ago these lessons every morning, I made it clear there was very much a central core theme to them. They have dealt primarily with three specific areas straight out of our bibles that I believe have been grossly neglected or simply not taught today. These three areas would have to do with 1- The Law, 2- Dealing with our sinful, flesh nature, and 3- the existence and purpose of demonic spirits (‘the powers of darkness’).   I make no apologies for staying on topic with these and will continue to do so until I feel directed elsewhere or felt led to stop all together. I know many have expressed an appreciation for what I’ve been sharing here and that they seem blessed by them; and for that, I am thankful. When you find something can’t help but to want to share it with everyone...especially when you believe and are convinced it’s something good from God.   It is extremely important to me to provide plenty of scripture to suppor