Not that I’m counting or anything, but according to the site that I post my daily blogs on, I’m about ten days out from posting my 365th blog. As in, I’ve been doing this for almost a year now, which kind of blows my mind. Two things I can tell you about these daily postings I began sharing, that really were just an outflow of all that I was gleaning from my time back in His word after a very long hiatus. One - I never imagined I would be doing these a year later. And 2- I honestly don’t know if they have been beneficial for many others, if anyone at the sense that it has brought significant change and fruit in your own life, but I know how beneficial they have been for me, personally. I’m just thankful for any good they might have done for others, and only eternity will tell. 

 But I can sure remember what ‘sparked’ and then fueled these daily studies or devotionals or whatever you want to call them. 

 It was a Sunday morning sometime last year and I had been reading in the gospel of John and came across this passage in the 8th chapter: 

 “Most assuredly, I say to you, whoever commits sin is a slave to sin. And a slave does not abide in the house forever, but a son abides forever. Therefore if the Son makes you free, you shall be free indeed.” (8:34-36). Jesus spoke that. 

 I could not get past those words. I then began to recall how over the years, hearing these statements on a regular basis that have become all to commonplace in our churches. – “Everybody sins”, or “I’m a saint who sins”, and “I’m a sinner (not was, but is) saved by grace.” Then there was this one – “I believe on this side of heaven we will always continue to sin.” And my ‘favorite’...”Christians are not perfect, just forgiven!” 

 I cannot count the number of times where I’ve heard people openly admit from their pulpits...”I sin all the time (or daily)” as if that fact made it ok for the church members to sin regularly since they (the pastor) did as well. 

 I don’t know why...I posted that morning on FB my thoughts concerning this, but I did. (It was a much shorter post that morning than what they have ‘grown’ to be. ;- ). I simply mentioned reading that passage, which I shared, along with the observation that everyone freely admits they continue to sin...and then I simply asked this question: “If Jesus tells us that whoever commits sin is a slave to sin, (implying we have another master) and that He came to ‘set us free’...what exactly did He set us free from?” 

 Then I went for my morning walk. There was one particular response to my post that led to some offline discussion and some interesting dialogue which resulted in them virtually ‘slamming the door on my face’ followed by blocking me from their page and then going off on me (without mentioning my name, I was told shortly after by a friend with a screen shot). What triggered that response? I simply made reference to another passage in scripture and that did it. To say I was perplexed would be an understatement. I did not even think we were ‘debating’. But it was that exchange that had me go back to re-examine a few verses for further study. And then...these posts became a daily occurrence as I knew I had tapped in to a ‘gold mine’ of truth. His Word, is truth, is it not? 

 What was the other passage I brought up with this person? It was from 1 John 3. “Whoever abides in Him does not sin.” (6). “Whoever has been born of God does not sin, for His seed remains in him; and he cannot sin, because he has been born of God.”(9) 

 Would you again, take a moment and go back and read those two verses slowly and aloud to yourself. Then go read those words Jesus spoke from John 8:34-36. Now take a moment to examine the response or thoughts they trigger in you, if any at all? 

 How many reading here this morning would be willing to admit that you kind of wanted to yell at me through your screen and ask: “Are you saying you don’t sin, Tony?” Be many wanted to ask me that question just now?

 “God bless you...I see that hand...and that hand. Yes...I see your hand too...” (Sorry...I couldn’t resist that one lol ) 

 Seriously though...let me state the obvious: What I do...or don’t do...has zero bearing on what God’s word declares. “Let God be true, and every man a liar.” (Rom. 3:4). 

 That’s part of our problem these days...we want to refute or dismiss the word based on our experiences, or man-made doctrines which have captured our hearts and that would counter what the bible actually teaches. And why would this come as a surprise to any of us? Satan has been doing this ever since God told Adam and Eve not to eat off that one tree or they would surely die. (Gen. 2:17) 

 “Has God really said?”, the serpent asked Eve. (Gen. 3:1) 

 Yes....a resounding ‘Yes’! God did indeed say that. He said a lot of things and they are written down right there in that beloved bible of ours. 

 It occurred to me awhile back...that we ‘believers’ spend more time justifying, excusing, or dismissing the fact we continue to sin...than we do overcoming it. 

 Here’s a thought I think would serve us all well to consider. The bible makes clear that one day, we will “ALL stand before the judgement seat of God and give account”. (2 Cor. 5:10) 

 How are YOU going to reply should Jesus look directly into your heart and asks: “I paid a great price to set you free from sin. Why... did you continue to sin?” Why? 

 Do you recall the words He spoke in Matthew...”I say to you that for every idle word men may speak, they will give account of it in the day of judgment. For by your words you will be justified and by your words you will be condemned.” (12:36-37). I bring this passage up given everyone freely admits they continue to sin, hence...that probable question we may face from the Lord. 

 Why? Why do we continue to be slaves to sin IF Jesus set us free? That question deserves a thoughtful response. 

 Do you recall what Adam and Eve began to do when God called them out after they sinned and were hiding ‘naked’ in the bushes? They began to make excuses as Adam ‘threw Eve under the bus’, so to speak. (Gen. 3:9-13). I’ve always wondered...what might have happened...had they run immediately to God when they realized what transpired and begged for mercy and forgiveness. Instead...they began to dance around with excuses and how they were deceived and naked, etc. 

 Let me also share a second question we might face in that setting with God on the Day we appear before Him. If you go to your default setting response of: “But I was a sinner and was always going to sin until you brought me to heaven...because I was not perfect.” You might hear the same question He asked Adam in the garden: “Who told you that?” 

 Who. Told. You. That. You. Were. Naked? (Gen. 3:11). Surely you remember this scene. Adam and Eve, who were created in God’s likeness lived in that garden and ‘were both naked and were not ashamed’. (Gen. 2:25) 

 Something happened. Something changed. And ‘something’ told them they were naked which is why they hid when they heard God’s voice, hiding in the bushes and then tried to cover their nakedness with some fig leaves. (3:7). 

 So what was God implying when He asked them that question? That there was ‘another voice’ they were listening to, and it was not His. We obviously know how this whole scene went down when the serpent raised his head and produced ‘another gospel’ telling Eve it was ok to eat off that tree and that she would ‘surely not die’. (3:4) So God asked: “Who told you that you were naked? It sure was not Me. 

 Who told YOU...that you were always going to be a ‘sinner’ after you ‘got saved’? 

 Nobody is disputing or questioning the fact that ALL have sinned and that we were ALL dead in our sins and trespasses. (Rom. 3:23; Eph. 2:1). But the writers of the NT make regular mention that was how we “once lived’ and “once conducted” ourselves. But a follower of Christ (one who abides in Him) no longer does. (1 Cor. 6:11; Col. 3:6-7; Eph. 2:2; 1 Pet. 1:14; 1 John 3:6) So Who...Told...You...that you were going to continue to sin? And worse yet...who told you that you would never totally overcome sin in this life? The word sure does not teach that. Meaning...God certainly did not tell you that! 

 And before you quote me 1 John 1:8-2:1, let me remind you there is a distinct difference between saying you ‘have no sin’ as opposed you continue in sin. We’ll address this again soon. John also did not write ‘when’ sin...he said ‘IF anyone sins’...we have an Advocate and yes...if we stumble and mess up, like any ‘babe in Christ’ will do; we will be chastened and corrected (Heb. 12:10-11) that we may become partakers of His holiness and then ‘go and sin no more lest something worse happen to us.” (John 5:14) 

 I know I bring up that guy in Matt. 7:21-23 often. And for good reason. That has to be a troublesome passage for many ‘believers’ who are holding fast to man-made doctrines. But you can’t find a more clear explanation made my Jesus who plainly states that this faith has nothing to do with “saying, ‘Lord, Lord’....” but has everything to do with “doing the will of My Father in heaven.” He talks about how ‘Many’ will come in that day offering up all kinds of lame explanations as to how they were doing this for God and doing that for God and even doing these wonderful things ‘in His Name’. 

 And what was the response that Jesus said He would ‘declare’ to them? “I never knew you; depart from Me, you who...practice of continue to sin and break my law. 

 Look...I don’t want to make this about ‘salvation’ and stay on point about this idea of ‘abiding’ in Him. As I’ve said before...IF you are abiding in are in a very good, secure place. But Jesus is the one who made it about ‘entering the kingdom of heaven’. 

 Let me help you out here this morning and learn from their lesson in the garden. You would admit freely, you continue to sin, yes? For some, it may be the same sin over and over. For others, maybe you do good in one area for a while...then stumble and it seems you keep circling around the same old mountain like they did in the wilderness. So instead of collapsing with guilt and shame and condemnation...why not just freely admit and agree with what God says...’IF we were abiding in Him, we would not be continuing to sin.’. (1 John 3:6). it fair to say...that if you have continued to it remotely possible...that maybe you have not been ‘abiding in Him’ the way the word instructs? Can you admit that? That would be a wonderful starting point. 

 I went long today...please come back tomorrow. :- )


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