If you have ever prepared a small (or large) vegetable garden in the spring, you know how satisfying it is to have a gentle rain fall shortly after you are done planting your rows of seeds. I would also suspect that if you knew that some heavy rains were in the forecast that would most likely produced local flooding, you might hold off planting those seeds until after the fact. Why is that? Because heavy flooding would come and most likely wash away most if not all of your seeds. You don’t even have to have an agricultural degree to see that logic. ;-) So follow me closely here...the flood waters can come and wash away the seed. If the seed gets washed away, then you have no garden which means you have no fruit (or whatever you might have been growing). Jesus shared a well-known parable with the multitudes. It’s the one about a man who went out to sow some seed. You can find it in Matt. 13, Mark 4, and Luke 8. We are told some...