“By This…By This… BY THIS…ALL WILL KNOW…that you are My disciples, IF…you have love for one another.” (John 13:35) 

 He says nothing about having a warm, fuzzy, and outgoing personality. It has nothing to do with being able to ‘turn something on’ when needing to make an impression. And it has nothing to do with being able to love others from within our own selves…given we are incapable of truly loving others as Christ loved us. How can we if we don’t have His nature residing within us? 

 Oh…did I mention that criteria there in the preceding verse? “A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another; as I have loved you, that you also love one another.” (34) 

 This is indeed how “all will know” if we are truly followers of Christ. Paul said it would be a good idea to examine ourselves to make sure we truly were in the faith and that Christ was in us. He even alluded to the fact we could fail that test. (2 Cor. 13:5) 

 If we are not loving like Jesus loved…then we are not loving. “He who says he abides in Him ought himself also to walk just as He walked.” (1 John 2:6). I don’t think we would be in error to use the word ‘love’ in place of ‘walk’ there to emphasis the point here. 

 Anytime Jesus repeats Himself, we would do well to make note of what He is trying to convey. Look at John 15:12 where He again says: “This is My commandment, (not suggestion) that you love one another as I have loved you.” 

 Please tell me How…on earth can we possibly love others the way God loved us…unless we have His nature in us? And how do we obtain or acquire this ‘new nature’? Jesus tells us in the very next verse…”by laying down your life”. There is no ‘greater love’ than this. So what ‘life’ is he asking you to ‘lay down’? - Your old sinful nature one…your ‘old man’. When you lay it down, as in ‘die’ to it, for Jesus’s sake…it is only then that you may truly begin to find and experience the life God intended you to have. If you try to ‘save’ that old life, you will lose it. (Matt. 16:25) 

 So how much …of that old life do you need to ‘lay down’ or ‘die to’? 

 All of it. 

 A rich young ruler came to Jesus inquiring about this new life and how he might be obtain it. Jesus engaged with him responding…then adding…”you only lack one thing…lay this part down and take up your cross and follow Me.” (Matt 19:20-21). He couldn’t do it. There was an element to his old life that he was unwilling to ‘lay down’ or ‘die to’. It was his wealth that he wanted to hold on to. He turned and walked away…totally unaware of the true riches he was forfeiting. 

 What are You holding on to…that you have struggled with or maybe even be reluctant to…lay down? Can I just tell you that you have no idea what awaits you if you would just give it up to Him? 

 How many sincere folks have been trying their hardest to livd out this walk of faith…attempting to truly love others…all the while they have that old nature still in tow, or the ‘trunk’ as some might say. You are fighting a losing battle. It. Cannot. Be. Done. 

 Lord knows how many of us have tried though. IF you are not willing to truly die to self and love God with ALL your heart…you may as well turn off the lights now and pack it up. There is no ‘Plan B’ that suggest you can still live for the flesh and please God. On the contrary, Paul would write that those who are “in the flesh cannot please God’ and remain ‘hostile to God’. (Rom. 8:7-8). James actually rebuked those who try, calling them ‘double-minded’. (4:4,8) 

 Oh…there are plenty of ‘other gospels’ out there that will tell you otherwise, but they are ‘doctrines of demons’ that have no power or plan to conform you to the nature of Christ. You can have the appearance of being a ‘Christian’ but it is superficial. (Titus 1:16; Matt. 7:21-23; Matt. 15:8) 

 We do not get to set the standard of what this ‘God kind of love’ looks like, either. Were you aware that you can ‘speak in tongues and prophesy’ all day long but if you don’t have this God kind of love flowing from you, you are nothing more than a noisy, clanging sound. If you have faith to move mountains and understand mysteries possessing all kinds of bible knowledge…yet not have this God kind of love, you are a big fat Zero…as in you are nothing. Why you can even give all your money to feed the poor and then be willing to take the sword or roast at a stake for the ‘glory of God’…but if you don’t have this God kind of love, all that profits you nothing. Not my words, His. (1 Cor. 13:1-3) The next four verses describe in detail just what that ‘God kind of love’ looks like if you care to read on there. 

 You probably have experienced this a times as well…where you come across a verse in the bible that you have read countless times…then one day…the ‘lights come on’ when you see it and it’s like you are reading it for the very first time? That happened again for me not long ago when I was reading in John 15…the first 8 verses and it was that 8th verse that went all over me. “By this…My Father is glorified, that you bear much fruit; so you will be My disciples.” 

 That is how God receives glory and honor from us…when we ‘bear much fruit’. I see nothing here that says God is honored when we sing a great song or preach a wonderful sermon or make a diving catch to win a ball game or donate large funds to help a charitable organization, etc. God is glorified when we bear much fruit. And if you study those preceding seven verses, you will see clearly that this kind of fruit does not come about because we produced it. We can’t. But if we truly are abiding in Him, then there will be fruit and it will be plentiful and it will be good. 

 Oh, and in case there is any confusion on the matter…Jesus reminds us that we either need to make the tree good…or bad…because a ‘good tree cannot bear bad fruit nor can a bad tree bear good fruit…thus by their fruit you will know them.” (Matt. 7:17-18) He seems to underscore the seriousness of His message here by adding…”Oh…and every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. Therefore by their fruits you will know them.” (19-20) If you truly want your life to bring glory and honor to God our Father, then do it the way Jesus honored His Father…by submitting to Him and going to the cross. As in ‘laying down His life’ for others. He showed us how it’s done…now we are to follow and do the same. But it’s not a physical cross and death we are to embrace. 

 We glorify God with the fruit that we bear, and scripture is clear, where there is no death, there is no fruit. (John 12:24). I sense a need to mention something here that may step on toes and I pray you hear/read this in the right spirit. There is a popular belief today that we are to go ‘honor God’ with our ‘talents and giftings’. Yes, there is a verse that says ‘whatever you, do it as unto the Lord’ but that line can get blurry real fast in the culture we live in today. 

 Can I just touch on the subject of music and singing? We seem to have a national obsession with singing in our country today…and have for some time. I only point to the chain of singing-talent shows that are continually being churned out on TV one after another. One of the more prominent ones that seemed to open a renewed flood of them was called ‘American Idol’. That should say enough in itself. Everyone has a “gift they feel the world needs to hear”, is a popular line hopeful wannabe-stars tell the judges and audience. 

 Don’t think for a moment that ‘spirit’ cannot seep into our church world. I’ve always ‘heard’ that Lucifer (now Satan) was somehow involved with music/worship in heaven. I honestly am not aware of what scripture that makes that case, but regardless…Satan who can appear as ‘an angel of light’ (2 Cor. 11:14) can distort and pervert any talent or ‘gifting’ one might have that will lead our hearts astray. He’s been doing it with the word of God ever since Genesis 3 back in the garden. Don’t get me wrong…I enjoy music and singing (with and without instruments) just as much as the next person. And I am fully aware that many a soul has a testimony as to how a song ‘ministered’ to them. I am not hear to argue that. But we should know…you cannot ‘sing your way(or others) into heaven’. And if you don’t think God had issues with some who thought they could, check out Amos 5:23. 

 Did God give you a good voice and talent to impress the world and point others to Him? I don’t know…that is not for me to say. All I know is what scripture teaches and we are ‘born again by the word of God’ and are ‘washed and cleansed by the washing of the word’. (1 Pet. 1:23; Eph. 5:26) and the true mark of a follower of Christ has nothing to do with talents and abilities or intellect and personality. It has everything to do with whether we are abiding in Him, and bearing the fruit of love that reflects His nature and love that we demonstrate towards others. (Rom. 8:29) 

 And we don’t make that happen. It’s ALL Him as it’s not by our might or power but by His spirit of grace. Oh…His love…that comes from His nature…is unmistakable. Because this love is patient…and kind…and gentle…and is not boastful or prideful. It is not easily angered nor does it envy. It is not rude nor does it seek its own way. It keeps no record of wrongs. It is gentle and faithful. (Gal.5:22; 1 Cor. 13:4-6). Trust me…it is easy fruit to spot. By this…all men will know… 

 Oh....the picture I used here today...was from my last night with the boys...putting them down with bottles and a book. Heading back home today...sure gonna miss them. Please pray for for us...gonna be hard on this heart. Unless God has other plans...I'll be back here Monday. ;-)


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