I’m pretty sure we’ve all experienced it. Multiple times I would imagine. It can come on you in the least expected moments. Some of you reading this now may have woke up earlier today where it was waiting there by your bedside to join you. Others, perhaps went to bed last night under its oppressive weight; or worse yet, woke up in the darkness of early dawn, tossing and turning and trying to smother out its taunting voice. Some of you...have just learned to live with it, assuming there is no escape, even though many try to numb it with the use of drugs or alcohol or any number of other vices. 

 Amazingly, many thought they might find relief from it while pursuing ‘good works and religious activity’. And to no avail.

 If you have not identified this unforgiving ‘spiritual’ foe yet, I’m talking about the weight of condemnation and guilt. 

 A simple definition of the word is: “the expression of very strong disapproval; censure.” 

 It can be not only oppressive, but relentless. The burden of it can drive you further in to darkness than you ever knew imaginable; even drive you to doing things you thought that You...would NEVER do. I would go as far to suggest that for some, it is the root of their demons of depression or worse. 

 There really is no need to describe in detail how it feels because you recognize it like an ‘old friend’ when it sweeps over you and its tentacles weave their way into your soul. 

 What you might have a harder time understanding is why or how it seems to find you on a regular basis. 

 Guess what....get your bible and a pen and paper. You might even grab a cup of coffee because I have some good news for you. Very Good News. - You can be relieved of this oppressive weight. As in today. And you won’t even need a running start. You just need to hear me out and let me share some truth from God’s word. You do know what Jesus said about ‘knowing the truth’ don’t you? It’s found in John 8:32. “You shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.” That sounds rather inviting, does it not? 

 Let me point you to the good news first and then follow up with some information you may find helpful. We are told quite matter-of-factly: “There is therefore now NO condemnation to those who are In Christ Jesus, who do not walk according to the flesh, but according to the Spirit.” (Romans 8:1) 

 And here’s a news flash for you: Simply quoting that over and over in word or song, does not make it go away. Nor will having a preacher or counselor talk at you until they are blue in the face trying to convince you of this truth...will make this go away and lighten your load either. 

 There is only one person who can lift this burden off of you and that is Jesus Christ and through repentance. Period. But before He does that, it would help you tremendously to understand how it got there and why it’s there so that you can walk in a way where you can be free of it. I’m serious. And you won’t need anyone to tell you when it comes off of you. You will know it. Oh My...will you ever know it. :- ) 

 We live in a sin-filled, fallen world. God set laws in place long ago to deal with the transgressions of men. (Gal 3:17,19; 1Tim.1:8-10) 

 The Law, we are taught by Paul, brings death and wrath along with curses and condemnation to those who violate it or break it. In fact, that is what sin is...the breaking of God’s laws. (1 John 3:4) 

 And this next part may take some time to digest and process, but God uses our spiritual enemy, Satan and the powers of darkness-demons, to carry out this ministry of death’(2 Cor. 3:7) and curses and wrath. Hence the admonition to ‘go and sin no more or something worse will occur’; and ‘give no place to the devil’. (Ps. 78:49; John 5:14; Eph 4:27). Want to take a guess why this enemy tempts you to ‘break the law’ and sin? It gives them ground into your life to ‘steal, kill, & destroy’. (John 10:10). And these agents of darkness are not a problem for God at all...nor the ones who enter into covenant with Him through repentance and turn and follow...and abide...and obey Him. 

 We ALL have sinned...and were ALL under condemnation from God’s wrath. (John 3:36) Death was working in us. (Eph. 2:1-3) That is why Jesus came...to Save us from the wrath of God. (John 3:17; Rom. 5:9). Because of His love for us, He came to rescue us and get us out from under this penalty of condemnation and wrath and judgment. But sadly, His gospel message has been hijacked and twisted and perverted in multiple ways which...should come as no surprise. God’s message has been questioned, undermined, and distorted if not outright opposed ever since back in the Garden when the serpent deceived Adam and Eve. (Gen 2 and 3). Paul warns us of this as well in 2 Cor 11:3-4. 

 Let me ask you something here. Can any of you ever remember a time when you reached a breaking point...where you were just sick and tired of being...sick and tired and beat up and down and defeated...and you turned humbly to God in your heart. I mean, you ‘did business’ and ‘gave it all up’ to Him. At the time, it’s unlikely you really even knew what all that truly meant. But can you clearly remember a time where you felt that burden lift off you...and were enveloped in a genuine peace? 

 It may have happened at a church altar or in a small bible study with friends. It could have easily transpired while just taking a solo walk along a beach or in the woods or a hayfield. But you knew...a weight was lifted and peace filled your heart. 

 What happened? 

 I think I can tell you. Or better yet, scripture can tell you. Jesus teaches that when an evil or unclean spirit leaves a person, it will come back looking for reentry and if we have not been taught or instructed the whole counsel of God and how all this plays out, we tragically end up in a worse condition than we were in the beginning. (Matt. 12:43-45) 

 Satan/demons...bring condemnation and wrath. We are told in Revelation that Satan ‘accuses the brethren day and night’. (12:11). He will replay your sins and failures and remind you of what a pitiful mother or father or spouse or ______ (fill in your blank) you are and ride you until you can’t even see the light of day anymore. 

 When a person truly turns in repentance to God...no strings attached...something miraculous takes place. God hears their cry and He responds. When our heart is humbled and broken, and we draw near to Him...He in turn...draws near to us. (James 4:7-10). We are told that it is He...who will lift you up. And in doing so, God sets a barrier or a ‘hedge’ around you, and immediately, the ‘flood’ is turned off. It is similar to what God did when He led the Israelites across the Jordan River which was at ‘flood’ stage. (Joshua 3). The flowing waters ceased and stacked up and the people crossed over on dry ground to go in to possess the promised land, which was where God had promised them peace and rest. (Lev 26:6). Is that not what your soul has yearned for? 

 (Heads up...I am going to take the liberty here and go longer today...) 

We read often how God’s wrath is ‘poured out like a flood’ and how the ‘enemy comes in like a flood’. Jesus uses this picture of a flood taking people away in destruction (Luke 17:27) along with how it will test our foundation as to whether we put the word into practice or not. (Matt. 7:24-27). So you might see how condemnation can be like a ‘flood’ of defeat and disapproval that beats you down...until someone turns it off and stops it. Which is what God does when we turn to Him in total surrender. Paul even suggest that the purpose of the law was to lead us to Christ. But not just to get some T-shirt saying you believed in Him. The idea was for Christ to lead us through this life free from condemnation and wrath- provided....we follow and abide in Him. As in ...surrender to His Lordship. 

The only way we can be free of this condemnation, which is real indeed, is to “be IN Christ...and no longer live for the flesh nature but to follow after the Spirit.” (Rom 8:1). To be “in Christ’ is to ‘be in the Ark’ as Noah was and spared from the destructive flood. 

 We can sing “He is Lord” all day long, but if we don’t ‘follow and obey’ then we are deceiving ourselves and it’s only a matter of time before you are right back where you were before and usually end up even worse off. (Heb. 5:9) 

 “My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me. “ (John 10:27) 

 “Why do you call me, ‘Lord, Lord’, and not do the things which I say?” (Luke 6:46) 

 This ‘obedience’ thing is not some option for extra credit. It is the process in which we experience the ‘sanctification’ where God begins to remove all those things that defile and corrupt us and caused us to sin and break His laws which in turn brought more condemnation and wrath upon us. 

 I don’t know any other way how to say this, but if you are under the weight of this spiritual oppression of condemnation, then you are not ‘In Christ’ nor are you abiding In Him. Because if you were, you would be free of it. This should Not be a statement to be offended over...rather it should give you hope that you can be delivered and set free, but it only comes about through repentance. And no strings attached. 

 For those of you who have faint memories of days gone by where you knew that peace at one time but it ‘escaped you’....let me tell you what happened. You were supposed to walk in that path of peace...let it be your guide and rule your heart. (Col. 3:15). The Good Shepherd was going to ‘lead you in the paths of righteousness and restore your soul and make you lie down in green pastures and still waters.” (which suggest you had to follow -Ps. 23). But when He ‘zigged’, you ‘zagged’...or opted not to follow or drifted away. It happens. You ended up repeating Peter’s mistake and ‘following at a distance’ before you out and out denied Him through disobedience. (Luke 22:54). And that led to sin...and more death and condemnation and darkness and wrath. 

 Hey- guess what...the very fact that you have read through this far today...is a good sign. He’s calling you back to Him. And He invites you to ‘lay aside that weight’ and ‘cast your cares upon Him’. He longs to gather you back as a mother hen does her chicks. 

 But this time...Just be willing. (Matt. 23:37). Peace and rest await you. See you tomorrow.


  1. Your best post yet, in my opinion. Yes, I have known that 'old friend' very well, but he has been kicked out and no longer welcome. Than you Tony! Praise God from whom all blessings flow!


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