I bet yesterday’s post left you scratching your head some. Which is good. Who here doesn’t have much still to learn from this bible? I know I do. I also know that when I’ve always ‘thought one way’ about a particular subject, having to relearn or look at it from another perspective can be difficult. Unlearning false concepts or beliefs is not a walk in the park. And maybe it’s not even having to ‘unlearn’ something rather just take in new truth that we never considered before or gave much though to. But better late than never, right? 

 I left you with the idea that maybe God actually ‘uses the devil’ as an agent of his wrath or even ‘correction’? (Hab. 1:12). When I begin to see this truth laid out in scripture, both OT and NT, then more ‘dots got connected’ and things become more clear. I left you with that scene of Moses throwing down his rod, at God’s instruction, and it turned in to a serpent which he then picked up by the tail and it turned back in to his rod which can be a symbol of authority and the power to disperse judgement. Or it can be a ‘rod of correction’. And we know what the serpent represents. 

 Still not convinced? Do you remember the sin issue that arose in the Corinthian church? It was an immoral issue that was not being dealt with. When Paul caught wind of it, he let it be known what needed to happen to the guilty party. “Hand such one over to Satan for the destruction of his flesh, that his spirit may be saved in the day of the Lord Jesus.” (1 Cor. 5:5). Was he serious or just using ‘poetic language’? 

 Take a look at 1 Timothy 1:20. Paul named two other troublemakers and told Timothy that he “delivered them to Satan that they may learn not to blaspheme.” 

 I’ll wait while you refill your coffee and take a deep breath as you ask yourself how come you have never really seen those scriptures in that light before. (I’m not making fun of you or making light of this. I get what you are feeling/thinking.) 

 Can we just be honest here a moment. The subject of there actually being a ‘real devil’ is troublesome and uncomfortable for many. It’s one of those subjects we do well (we think) to just ignore or give little attention to. Let me assure, we are not to be pre-occupied with devils and demons. Nor are we to fear them. But we are certainly not taught to ignore them either. On the contrary, we are told to be mindful and alert for them and when the situation arises, to ‘resist them’. (James 4:7; 1 Pet. 5:9) 

 Living in the modern times we do, and being ‘educated’, to suggest you actually believe in devils and demons and evil or unclean spirits usually will invite snickers and giggles and eye rolls. And who got time for that? Which in a way further proves his existence and his effectiveness in operating undetected. What better strategy can an enemy have than to go undetected? Why do you think our military invests so much money into radar technology? They don’t want the enemy to gain ground! 

 I’ve written in the past about how my concept of a ‘devil’ prior to turning my life to Jesus was pretty benign. I had grown up reading the comic, ‘Hot Stuff’, which was about a cute little imp who was friends with Casper the Ghost...both loveable and harmless characters. I can remember Flip Wilson the comedian becoming quite famous with his line that ‘the devil made him do it’ which basically laughed at such a notion that a real devil might influence evil works in our lives and world. 

 But what if...there really is a spiritual foe of darkness led by Lucifer, the fallen angel who is known as ‘Satan’ or the “Devil’ or ‘that serpent of old’? (Rev. 12:9). Is it something we need to be aware of or concerned with? I would think so. I also think you would be a bit surprised as to how much scripture addresses this subject. The word ‘devil’ and ‘Satan’ are used some 75 times in the NT alone; and that does not even include the multiple references where Jesus or his disciples was casting unclean spirits out of people. 

 Allow me to simplify your own research as I provide a list of what YOUR bible has to say about this entity, the devil. And whether you choose to believe this is on you. I just am compelled to make know to you what Your bible clearly says: 

 He (Satan) influences or has power over the whole world. (1 John 5:19; Rev 12:9) 

 He takes men/women captive to carry out his will. (2 Tim. 2:24-26) 

 Prior to a person repenting and turning to Jesus, he operated IN their lives and through the sinful flesh nature making them children of wrath. (Eph. 2:1-3) 

 He/they can disguise themselves as ‘angels of light’ and ‘ministers of righteousness’. (2 Cor 11:14-15; Matt. 7:15) 

 Satan and demons have strategies, schemes, devices they use regularly to gain access in to our lives and we are not to be ignorant of them. (2 Cor 2:11; Eph.6:10) 

 The last thing he wants is for you to hear The True Gospel and believe...and be saved. Hence, his ongoing mission to divert, twist, and hinder you from hearing the Word or acting upon it. (2 Cor. 4:3-4; Luke 8:12; Gen. 3:1-6;} 

 We are commanded to “give NO place to the devil”. (Eph 4:27. Would that imply we can...give place to the devil? Ever thought how we might do that? 

 John 13:2 says that ‘the devil put into the heart of Judas to betray Jesus’. How does the devil put things in to our heart? It begins with a ‘seed’ or a thought. And he usually does this when we are ‘asleep’. (Matt. 13:39; Acts 5:3) Maybe that is why we are advised to “bring every thought into captivity”? (2 Cor 10:5) 

 Did you know that ‘the devil comes immediately to snatch the word from your heart lest you believe and are saved’? (Luke 8:12). Maybe that is why Peter advise us to be alert and sober minded because of a ‘lion on the prowl seeking to devour’? (1 Pet 5:8) 

 Paul advises us to not provoke the Lord to jealousy which would obviously transition into anger. Have you ever read in the OT how God poured out or unleashed “His anger”? Go talk a quick look at Ps. 78:49-50 and underline that. Then...let’s flip further back and connect some more dots. 

 Look up 2 Samuel 24:1. It reads that ‘the anger of the Lord was aroused against Israel and moved David ...to number Israel and Judah.’ Now go read for more clarification 1 Chron. 21:1 as to who/what the ‘anger of the Lord actually is. No, seriously...do that now. 

 I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. This really is more serious than what we have really thought or believed. I also realize I can’t make anyone ‘see’ or ‘believe’ anything. But I can point out as directed what your bible clearly says. I feel that burden to share when I see the sword/curse coming wanting to warn so as to not have the blood of anyone on my hands. ( Ezek. 3:18-21). I know...sounds so dramatic. But all I ask is that you look up these verses and study them for yourself to see if these things I share are true or not. (Acts 17:11) 

 For some, this may sound like a conflict when you consider God’s nature. But talk a look at Romans 11:22 and remind yourself that while God’s wrath is revealed today (Rom. 1:18), He also provides a way of escape: Jesus who pleads for us to run to Him that He might gather us up as a mother hens does her chicks. But...we are Not willing’. (Matt. 23:37)

 Not willing...Not willing...tell me...why do you suppose that is...that we would not be willing? ...sigh....see you tomorrow?


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