Being a photographer with an assortment of cameras and lenses, not to mention some cool drones for aerial photography, my profession has allowed me plenty of opportunities to photograph a lot of interesting and cool stuff. 

 In the past, I had the opportunity to visit a rock quarry up in Oklahoma which oddly enough, was fascinating to me to see the process of how rock and sand of all sizes is ‘produced’ to be sold. 

 And it usually begins with a ‘big bang’. Yep. There is such thing as that. 

 Trained professionals spend time planting explosive materials deep into the sides of these rock cliffs. Once ready to detonate, everyone clears the area. Then, there are repeated blast of a warning siren that echoes throughout the area giving everyone plenty of heads up warning of what is about to occur. It was pretty cool filming this with my drone. I actually kept the drone further back than what was probably necessary because I heard that flying rock can travel a good distance when the blast occurs; and I just did not want to have to replace my little ‘camera bird’. 

 If any of the employees who work there chose to ignore the siren warnings, or by chance maybe had air pods in and were listening to something else, loudly, then it is likely they would be in harm’s way. Maybe they were catching a few winks in a truck with the A/C running and missed out. But once the blast occurs, it would be best that you are clear of the falling debris that is for sure to take place. 

 Suppose a new employee, or even a local resident, was digging around close to the blast site...maybe looking for arrowheads or whatever...I dunno...just random reasons. What if they had no idea what those warning sirens meant? Would that make them immune from being clunked on the head by flying rock? 

 Or worse yet...what if an adult took their kids to join them in digging around for fun. Maybe they even brought a picnic lunch to enjoy with the them. And the sirens begin to wail and warn, prompting curious questions from the kids? If Dad/Mom dismiss their questions as baseless or make light of the warnings of impending danger...answer me this: When the blast occurs and rocks of all sizes go airborne and begin to descend, who is at fault here if the children are hurt by falling debris? 

 Now let me ask this question...when God spoke through Hosea and declared: “My people...are destroyed...for a lack of knowledge...” (4:6), what comes to mind when you read/hear that word ‘destroyed’? 

 In the gospel of Luke, Jesus was asked about some folks who were killed by some falling rock. (A tower collapsed killing eighteen people). Jesus asked them: “Do you think those 18 on whom the tower fell and killed were worse sinners than all other men who dwelt in Jerusalem? I tell you, No; but unless you repent you will all likewise perish.” (13:3-5) 

 What comes to your mind when you read/hear that word ‘perish’? 

 Now let me ask you this: - Was Jesus threatening them...or warning them? Is there a difference? What say you? 

 Remember when a group of religious leaders showed up to investigate this ‘John-the Baptist’ fellow who was drawing crowds? John saw them and asked: “Who warned you to flee from the wrath to come?” (Matt. 3:7) 

 What comes to your mind when you read/hear that word ‘wrath’? 

 Where am I going with all this today? I hope it is clear... For all the talk we church folks like to do about being ‘saved’ or ‘getting saved’ or ‘once saved, always saved’ we really understand what it is we are actually ‘saved’ from? 

 Romans 5:9 states it rather plainly: It is the wrath of God that we are saved from. Jesus came to save us from the wrath of God that was already on the earth because of sin and wickedness. It might be good to help qualify that word ‘wicked’ here as well. We tend to think of all those really bad people (not like us) who do really horrific things. 

 In the gospel of Matt. 18, Jesus shared a parable of a servant who was forgiven a great debt by a certain king. Initially, he was humbled and overcome by this act of mercy. Imagine if some rich dude knocked on your door today and instructed you to gather up every single bill and debt you have...from mortgages , to auto loans, to school loans and all credit card debt before writing out a single check to make all those debts go away...can you imagine what a load of relief that would bring you? Yeah...that’s what happened with this king and his servant. But then, the story takes an uncomfortable turn. This servant who was just released of this enormous debt runs into someone who owed him some money. It would appear to be nothing in comparison to what he had just been relieved of...pocket change most likely. 

 Oddly enough, he did not bestow on this guy the same kindness the king had just shown him. When word gets back to the king, he calls this guy back and pretty much gets in his face. Look what he calls him there in vs. 32: “You Wicked servant...I forgave you all that debt...should you not also have shown compassion as I had pity on you?” 

 I only bring this up to suggest that if you claim to be a believer today, and are harboring some unforgiveness towards someone who has wronged you, then scripture would indicate here that you are a ‘wicked servant’ as well. And you know what that king did to that wicked servant? He handed him over to the tormentors. Jesus would go on to teach there that His heavenly Father will do the same thing to each of us if we don’t, from our hearts, forgive those who have sinned against us.” (vs.35) 

 I wonder who those ‘tormentors’ are today? Can I just share with you here that if you are holding on to a grudge, or are unwilling to forgive from your heart...even ‘affirming your love to one who has been humbled and sought forgiveness, (2 Cor.2:8) have opened a door to demonic activity and are in torment even now. (2 Cor. 2:10-11) The good news is...the moment you see this and ‘release’ that can be released as well. Just thought I’d throw that in there in case someone reading has been running low on peace of mind and/or a joy filled heart. 

 Am I aware that the subject of God’s wrath is unpleasant and not one people really want to hear about? Of course I am. Have you ever stopped to consider what that ‘is’ inside of you that makes you uncomfortable given the fact your bible has much to say on this subject? 

 I want to leave you with two points from scripture to study and give prayerful thought to. The first point is when we think of God’s wrath, there is often this automatic assumption that this is something to be ‘poured out’ in the future on all the ‘bad people who missed the rapture.’ And then ultimately, the eternal ‘damnation’ of a fiery lake that awaits all those unbelievers and evil sinners. I’m really not smart enough to understand all that will take place then...but I do know that scripture is clear that God’s wrath is Already here and being unleashed on the earth. 

 Which leads to my second point: Scripture seems to clue us in that to those who are falling prey to it...they don’t even recognize what is happening. Go look over Isaiah 42:23-25; Daniel 12:9-10 and Luke 17:26-27 along with Matt. 24:39) 

 Case & Point: John 3:36 states that ‘He who believes in the Son has everlasting life; and he who does not believe the Son shall not see life, but the wrath of God REMAINS on him.” Did you catch that? God’s ‘wrath’ is Already on a person who is not abiding in Christ. So when Paul writes in Rom. 1:18 that ‘the wrath of God IS revealed from heaven against all ungodliness...” (not Will Be, but Is), that should give us pause and have us asking...’Did I miss something here? Is there something going on that I’ve been blinded to? And Paul does not mince his words in Eph. 5:6 & Col. 3:6. Please look those up and mark them in your bible. 

Then finish up with Matt. 23:37 Something to chew on today.


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