Question: When did God change? Answer: He hasn’t. (Mal.3:6; Heb. 13:8) Which means we need to come to terms with the fact that the ‘New Testament God’ we believers claim to love, know, serve, and follow...is the same God we were introduced to in the OT as our creator.(Gen. 1:26-27; Jer. 1:5). And the ‘same God’ from way back then, who warned Adam and Eve that eating from a particular tree He told them not to eat from would ‘surely’ lead to imminent death (Gen. 2:17)...is the ‘same God’ of the NT who tell us that sin still leads to death, along with other unpleasant consequences. (John 5:14; Rom. 6:23; 8:13; Luke 13:1-5) Friends...let me assure you that the sooner you are able to lay aside, if even for only a brief moment, some of your personal pre-conceived ideas and man-made doctrines, and simply examine more insight from God’s word, the sooner your understanding of the author of these scriptures… could alter your life in tremendous ways. But again, you need to ask Him to bear ...