Have you ever wondered and asked yourself, maybe even asked God while sobbing tears of frustration ...”Why?...why do you seem to fail repeatedly when it comes to overcoming certain ‘sins’ or ‘tendencies of that old flesh nature’? Why do you always lash out in anger in certain situations? Why do certain ‘addictions’ seem to still ‘own you’? Will you ever...be able to conquer lust and various sexual compulsions? Are you forever doomed to be unforgiving and unkind and impatient? Maybe....just maybe...God has been waiting on us to reach the end of ourselves so that we might find the beginning of Him. Trust me...I’ve been in that place of frustration and defeat that I speak of. And it took me a long time to get here to this place where I’m finally able to understand a few things that I so wish I had taken the time to learn early on. Truths...that I’ve been trying to pass on to anyone and everyone who reads these posts of mine daily. In order for us to truly live in Christ......