So exactly how can a person truly know if they have indeed, given their ‘whole heart’ to the Lord? (Yesterday’s post) Many new and sincere ‘believers’ are quick to profess they have done just that – ‘given their heart to Jesus’, but how can one really know if they did? We can easily develop our own sets of criteria to attempt to assess that; certainly you have used them yourself in times past. Maybe it’s been the ‘tears and goosebump gauge’ where you experience tender emotions when you hear certain hymns or are visibly stirred in your emotions during a moving sermon at church. Others would point to the ‘speaking in tongues-ometer’ which in their eyes is a clear indicator. Let’s not forget the ‘seniority status factor’ where one cites how long they’ve been a deacon or a church member or how they are a ‘multi-generation-member’ of such and such church. Of course they gave their whole heart to Jesus...how dare anyone question that. Yet, Paul would. (2 Cor. 13:5) Not surprisingly...