Why Lord? Why did those Galileans suffer and die in such a manner? We do not read in that text where this question was verbally asked of Jesus by those in attendance, but that seems to be the question He answers there in Luke 13:1-5. “Do you suppose these Galileans were worse sinners than all other Galileans because they suffered such things?” (2) I don’t know how you read this…but if Jesus’s question ended there, then we have a completely different conversation to discuss. But it did not end there as He goes on – “I tell you. No…but unless you repent you will all….likewise perish.” (3) That word ‘perish’ comes from a Greek word which means to ‘destroy fully, either figuratively or literally.’ It is also akin to the same word used in 1 Cor. 10:9-10 where Paul was recounting how the Israelites were ‘destroyed by serpents’ and ‘destroyed by the Destroyer’ back in the wilderness for their sinful and rebellious ...